What sets BluBird hoses apart from the competition is their lightweight, strength, and flexibility.
Our general-purpose rubber hoses are the lightest, strongest, and most flexible on the market. We have earned a loyal customer base who appreciate the quality and performance of our hoses.Expanding on our success, we introduced the revolutionary BluShield® technology. This kevlar/aramid braided hot-and-cold 4100 PSI rubber pressure washer hose is 35% lighter than traditional wire braided hoses. Its flexibility and ease of use make it the go-to choice for power washing applications.
To complement our BluShield hose, we have developed custom-made auto-retractable metal hose reels. These reels are designed specifically for the BluShield hose and can handle pressures of over 4100 PSI. Our hose reels are a perfect match for professionals who require convenience and reliability.